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Fitness Certifications

Enrolling in a Steel Mace Or Clubbell Certification?

Posted by Toni Young on

Follow these tips…

The road to fitness is not easy. It is just like taming an elephant, easy to buy but difficult to feed. We often plan for a lazy day’s break which turns into week and then we find ourselves in a whole dilemma; oops! It has been so long I haven’t worked out.

Sticking to your fitness plan with your steel mace & clubbell certification course for personal trainers is one thing, but being motivated about it gives you a whole lot of new experience. It keeps you recharged to keep your fitness mantra alive. Some tips to keep yourself motivated for your fitness are penned down:

There are many things you will learn during your steel mace certification, here are some of the most important;

Remember why you started
There is always a turning point from the usual flow of our lives when we turn to fitness. Never forget that goal; keep it burning. Do not let yourself down to other not-so-important popcorn with movie things.

Maintain a log
Jotting down all you diet and workout plans and executing them will let you supervise your own schedule. You can do it yourself or ask your online personal trainer to do it for you. You can also keep a calendar that is totally dedicated to you fitness schedules. Whenever you skip workout a day put a big red cross on that day. Continuous two or three red crosses will motivate you to workout continuously.

Buddy up
Get yourself a buddy. This will keep you motivated to go and workout and even look forward to hang out with your fitness friend. A buddy can be anybody, an online personal trainer at the gym, your colleague who plays the same game as you or your neighbor who may like to accompany you for a squash game. Buddying up usually keeps you away from that lonely laziness and motivates you to bring the good out of you.

Make a schedule
Working out in the morning is the best way to start a day. It is very easy to make plans for an evening workout and skip to the couch watching movies with an excuse that the day has been exhaustive at work. Maintain a daily schedule of training with the clubbell, allot a particular and convenient time of the day for your body which belongs only to you.

Bribe yourself
Make plan of going out somewhere you would like to be with your fitness buddies or your online personal trainer; say a small night out or something. Keep a balance between workout and delicious food. That way you’ll be looking forward to the plans as the reward for your workout and who doesn’t like rewards.

Make a backup plan
Keep a couple of weight pounds at home and a regular exercise mat. Whenever you feel like you cannot go to the gym just have some “lazy day” stretch of your body at home. That way you won’t completely skip the workout as a whole

Think about your doubters
Training with clubbells is always a treat to prove your doubters wrong. Think about how your success will affect those negative thinkers. Be prepared for the glory you are going to achieve. People would be like wow! You did it; I doubted that (silly me).

Keep those fitness fires burning!
It wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider enrolling in a steel clubbell course. If you would like more information on how to become a fully certified steel mace instructor, visit