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How To Perform The Steel Mace Single Arm 360

Posted by Toni Young on

This next exercise is the steel mace single arm 360, it’s exactly the same as we did with the 360 except we’re just going to use one hand?

Only perform the single hand 360 when you can do the two-handed 360s, when your technique’s good and you’re comfortable then, you can move up into a single hand. It’s exactly the same movement except all we do is we take one hand away.

Just going back onto that double-handed 360 we’re going to do the same movement, you’re going to go over the left shoulder and it’s going to go around the back of the body.

Then, bring it back into the starting position and do that exact same movement, except this time let’s just take one hand away and then bring it in and then when you come into the front of your body just going to use your hand to stabilize it until you can really balance it without needing it.

Here are a few reps with me stabilizing it just over the shoulder exactly the same movement come back, in the right position and then once you’ve got control of the steel mace then you can go again just going to do a few reps, now I’m gonna take my hand away let me go continuous.

Just like with the two-handed 360, when the steel mace is coming around the shoulder you just want to make sure you’ve got full flexion through the elbow and that your hand is not up here. If you leave your hand up high when you’re doing a steel mace 360 or 10-2, then you’re going to get serious elbow pain for the next few days so it’s really important do you get that tricep in to full flexion.

From there the steel mace is going over the shoulder so just make sure you always bring it back into the rack after every rep and that you’ve always get it under control.

Again, it’s going to go from the back as well so you can see that looks like from the back over the shoulder back into the rack.

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